NZSLTA 2024-2025 Strategy Plan

Vision: Everyone values and uses New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) in Aotearoa.

Mission: Grow and advance professional NZSL teachers who inspire NZSL learners.

Values: Leadership, Collaboration, Connection, Commitment & Innovation.


  1. Seek appropriate long-term funding for our services.
    Completed end 2025.
  2. Provide Code of Ethics, Health & Safety and Complaints policies to members.
    Completed early 2024.
  3. Strengthen relationships with NZSLTA Branches and create new Branch policy.
    Completed end 2024.
  4. Strengthen RAP Panel and inform members of their expectations.
    Completed early 2024.
  5. Deliver NZSLTA Professional Development workshops.
    Aim to provide PD program every year, depending on funding.
  6. Deliver our NZSLTA Conference.
    Completed mid 2025.
  7. Deliver our NZSLTA Mentoring Programme.
    Start from approx 2025.

Priority Relationships

Members, NZSL Board, Partner Organisations, Subcontractors and Training Providers.

Last updated: 27/5/2024